Understanding our technology:
from solar energy to drinking water
Explication détaillée du fonctionnement, par étapes. Inclure des termes techniques pour crédibiliser l’approche, mais en les rendant compréhensibles pour un public non expert.
Explication détaillée du fonctionnement, par étapes. Inclure des termes techniques pour crédibiliser l’approche, mais en les rendant compréhensibles pour un public non expert.
Explication détaillée du fonctionnement, par étapes. Inclure des termes techniques pour crédibiliser l’approche, mais en les rendant compréhensibles pour un public non expert.
Let's see how it works
Let's see how it works

Step 1
Step 1
Step 1
Capture and concentrate solar energy
Capture and concentrate solar energy
Capture and concentrate solar energy
Fresnel lenses concentrate the sun's rays to amplify heat and maximize energy efficiency. Lightweight, they offer optimum thermal concentration.
Fresnel lenses concentrate the sun's rays to amplify heat and maximize energy efficiency. Lightweight, they offer optimum thermal concentration.
Fresnel lenses concentrate the sun's rays to amplify heat and maximize energy efficiency. Lightweight, they offer optimum thermal concentration.
Step 2
Step 2
Step 2
Water purification
Water purification
Water purification
The innovative evaporator uses concentrated solar heat to separate water from its contaminants. The resulting steam is then condensed by an innovative condenser to obtain purified water. This process effectively eliminates impurities and pathogens, enabling on-site water purification without chemical treatments and filters.
The innovative evaporator uses concentrated solar heat to separate water from its contaminants. The resulting steam is then condensed by an innovative condenser to obtain purified water. This process effectively eliminates impurities and pathogens, enabling on-site water purification without chemical treatments and filters.
The innovative evaporator uses concentrated solar heat to separate water from its contaminants. The resulting steam is then condensed by an innovative condenser to obtain purified water. This process effectively eliminates impurities and pathogens, enabling on-site water purification without chemical treatments and filters.
Step 3
Step 3
Step 3
Hydrogen production
Hydrogen production
Hydrogen production
An electrolyzer featuring an innovative electrolytic cell converts purified water into hydrogen by converting solar energy into electricity via the photovoltaic panel. The hydrogen is used as a clean fuel to power an innovative generator.
An electrolyzer featuring an innovative electrolytic cell converts purified water into hydrogen by converting solar energy into electricity via the photovoltaic panel. The hydrogen is used as a clean fuel to power an innovative generator.
An electrolyzer featuring an innovative electrolytic cell converts purified water into hydrogen by converting solar energy into electricity via the photovoltaic panel. The hydrogen is used as a clean fuel to power an innovative generator.
Step 4
Step 4
Step 4
Hydrogen storage
Hydrogen storage
Hydrogen storage
The hydrogen produced is stored in an innovative membrane tank, offering a flexible, secure storage solution suitable for individual homes. Unlike traditional tanks, this lightweight membrane reduces installation costs while providing sufficient secure storage capacity for everyday use.
The hydrogen produced is stored in an innovative membrane tank, offering a flexible, secure storage solution suitable for individual homes. Unlike traditional tanks, this lightweight membrane reduces installation costs while providing sufficient secure storage capacity for everyday use.
The hydrogen produced is stored in an innovative membrane tank, offering a flexible, secure storage solution suitable for individual homes. Unlike traditional tanks, this lightweight membrane reduces installation costs while providing sufficient secure storage capacity for everyday use.
Step 5
Step 5
Step 5
Electricity generation and energy management
Electricity generation and energy management
Electricity generation and energy management
The modified diesel engine, capable of running on hydrogen without emitting greenhouse gases, generates electricity, both to meet the home's energy needs and to feed power into a local grid. An intelligent management system adjusts electricity production and consumption in real time, ensuring a balance between supply and demand.
The modified diesel engine, capable of running on hydrogen without emitting greenhouse gases, generates electricity, both to meet the home's energy needs and to feed power into a local grid. An intelligent management system adjusts electricity production and consumption in real time, ensuring a balance between supply and demand.
The modified diesel engine, capable of running on hydrogen without emitting greenhouse gases, generates electricity, both to meet the home's energy needs and to feed power into a local grid. An intelligent management system adjusts electricity production and consumption in real time, ensuring a balance between supply and demand.
Measurable savings and reduced environmental impact
Measurable savings and reduced environmental impact
Our cutting-edge technology is designed to deliver immediate savings and increase profitability.
Our cutting-edge technology is designed to deliver immediate savings and increase profitability.
Sun Water Power technology significantly reduces CO2 emissions by using a clean energy source, solar power, to generate electricity and recycle wastewater. This solution reduces the ecological footprint by replacing polluting energy sources and preserving water resources, which are essential in inter-tropical zones where resources are often limited.
Self-sufficiency in energy and water means substantial savings on electricity and water bills. What's more, the installation offers a rapid return on investment, generally estimated at between 5 and 6 years, thanks to the savings generated. Users also benefit from subsidies and financial aid available for ecological solutions, further enhancing the profitability of this technology.